Patients & General Public DEMO for Doctors

These are DEMOS for healthcare doctors only.

Medily AI is an educational demo model focusing on the future of AI; it is not intended for clinical or medical decision-making, and users should always seek professional medical advice. Medily may provide inaccurate information about people, places, facts, or anything else. By agreeing to use Medily, you confirm that you are a qualified healthcare professional, THIS IS NOT TO BE USED BY GENERAL PUBLIC OR PATIENTS.

Self educate and manage yourself with our patient focused AI powered applications, allowing you to focus on what matters most. Life ❤️

👩‍⚕️ – Highly recommended!

Medical Advice AI

Medily AI can educate, explain, advise treatments or suggest to go GP, A&E or specific NHS paths.


Cancer Checker

Empower yourself with our free at-home cancer checker. Step-by-step guidance with AI advice, putting your health in your hands


Teenage & Adult

Focused AI on providing answers to your mental and sexual health.


Medical Jargon

Medics love to use fancy snazzy words. Use our AI to explain your condition, medications and more.


Meal & Physio Planning

Create a condition-centered diets and training plans catered for you and who your life.


Children Explainer

Confused on how to explain conditions and medicine to children? Our AI creates the perfect stories to educate all.